AI Light: Adding a New Light to Existing myAI Account
At this time, new AI Lights and previous model AI-Fi Lights are not able to be controlled in the same tank within the myAI app. This is a result of their connection types, new AI Lights are controlled via Bluetooth whereas AI-Fi Lights are controlled via WiFi. As a temporary workaround until WiFi control is available for AI Lights, please follow the steps below to ensure your lights match.
- Open the myAI app then select your existing Tank name
- Select the "Control" tab
- Then Select the "Star" icon and "Save Preset"
4. Select the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner of the app then the "+" option and "Nero / AI Light"
5. Select "Create New Tank" add your new AI Light(s). Now select "Control" and the "Star" Icon, then "Select Preset"
6. Select your desired Preset from the list and "Overwrite Settings" to save
7. Your new AI Lights will now closely match your older model AI-Fi Lights and follow the same programming